LES GRANDES ESPÉRANCES, literally « Great Expectations »
It all takes place here and now
24 illuminated words come to life, very symbolically, on the façade of the Archives Municipales de Lyon, the city’s center for conservation and transmission of History : words of time, words of hope, words of expectation… Like evidence of our desires, our memories, our dreams, big or small, individual or collective, they enlighten the surroundings.
Yesterday, Tomorrow, Maybe, Elsewhere, Finally, Never, Still, Soon…
Together they come alive, turn on, turn off, vibrate, disappear, reappear… At the heart of this dance, two words stand out, flashing red, as an emergency : Here and Now.
Our past forms and models us, our future is land of dreams and hopes, but the present moment remains the time to act and to build the world of tomorrow.
It all takes place here and now.
LYON LIGHT FESTIVAL – Archives Municipales – December 8th to 11th 2011